Translation Quality Standards: Current and Prospective Effects of (N)MT and Post-Editing
The translation and localization tools developed with the effect of globalization, which considerably increased its influence since the 90’s, have become more complicated due to the recent advances in technology. In a period where product and content creation is at top speed, certain standards are established in order to ensure compliance, and these standards are further improved in align with the current requirements. And then, quality assurance tools were developed in order to check whether these standards are met or not. With (N)MT technologies, the quality control standards and tools for translation are expected to create a new identity with the technological evolution that will most probably influence the whole industry. What will be the brand-new standards and evaluation tools to be created with this new identity at the industry? What will be the new issues that the businesses and linguists will face during this migration from legacy to modern methods? And how will these new issues be resolved? How we will determine the standards for the (N)MT outputs? With this presentation, I will try to give a summary of the migration in translation standards and quality assurance processes from past to present based on these and similar questions by providing examples and then the innovations that await the industry.